Thursday, December 20, 2007

Mister Yuke's tribute to his favorite Spokesman-Review columnist!

Click on the link above to listen. It's obvious he is dealing with some sort of infatuation with Ms Milsap. He says the work is cathartic, but I swear I hear him sobbing at the end. Maybe not... And where's the ukulele music, Mister Yuke, eh?

Here's a link to the lyrics.

Thanks Mister Yuke, and I hope you get feeling better.


  1. Love it. But like you said, where's the uke??

  2. Thanks for sharing this and helping us all remember the importance of carrying a song in our hearts. I love it more than a sunny day, sitting on my grandmother's heirloom quilt drinking fresh-squeezed lemonade from my own recipe watching my kids paint delicate butterflies on handcrafted stepping stones for our lovely neighbors from Denmark down the street who remind me everyday that good friends are life's real treasures!
