Sunday, June 06, 2010

Life in the garden is good.

I am really on top of a lot of projects this spring. We had talked about enclosing our breezeway for the last six years or so. We finally hired a contractor who did the job and it is nicer than we ever thought it would be. With a solatube and lots of windows, it's a sunroom that will be much needed in the winter/early spring.

More raised beds in the garden was something I have been yacking about for years too. Now they're in and the crops are looking good. I sunk a mini deck behind the middle bed. It's just 3 by 4 feet - just big enough for two folding chairs. Here I am enjoying a beer in a rare unkilted moment.

This Twilight Beer is good. Although I was expecting more of a tie-in to the movie. Oh well.

Hey, at Rosauers you can buy plastic onions to put your real onions in:

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