Saturday, September 03, 2011

Neighborhood Hardware Store Opens!

I had been watching and waiting for the Ace Hardware to open on 9th and Lincoln for a long time. A hardware store is about the only thing missing from our neighborhood. But somehow I missed the grand opening! Better late than never. Sarah and I walked down there a few days ago to see where we will be spending many hardware dollars.

Hardware stores hold a special place in my heart. When I was a wee lad, my dad would often tell me, "Get in the car Johnny. We're going to the hardware store." And I was stoked! I didn't know what most of the stuff was or what it was used for. All I knew is this where you went to get the stuff to make the stuff. And that was enough.

When we visited our family in Minnesota, my aunt and uncle would put me to work stocking shelves occasionally, in exchange for a fishing trip or two. They owned a hardware store in a really small town.

So there is a lot of good emotional baggage I brought with me to the new Ace by Huckleberry's.

Yes, this looks like something from the drugstore that used to be in this location. Like the drugstore, it looks like they don't keep a lot in inventory. But, that's not true. One of the guys working there said that they have a lot of inventory in the basement. So, if you see just one of an item on a shelf, chances are there's more downstairs.

Everything was laid out pretty well. For a small space, they have done a good job making sure there is a good assortment of merchandise. The only thing I needed that they didn't have, something I consistently buy at the Ace on Regal, is lump charcoal for the Big Green Egg. They told me they could order it. They also wrote it down on a list they were making of possible items to stock.

Hardware stores are places to figure things out. Or, at least, partially out. I am one of those who enter into a trance in the aisle and start imagining what I need to build and what I will need to build it. It's not a very efficient process, but it's enjoyable. That's why I am glad I will be able to ride my bike back and forth to fill in my gaps in planning.


  1. Who doesn't love the neighborhood Hardware store!

  2. John,
    We have Riveridge Hardware by my house. It is fantastic. I never buy from the boxes if I don't have to. You are correct about it being a store that makes a neighborhood livable. GB

  3. Greg, I used to live by River Ridge too. It was a great place!If you hadn't lost the grocery store on Wellesley and Assembly, I think you would have everything.
