Thursday, September 30, 2004

old tyvek place

old tyvek place
Originally uploaded by sporama.
This is a landmark. A few years back, the Tyvek had all blown off/disintegrated. When you said, "turn right at the Old Tyvek Place," newcomers would not know what you were talking about. Thanks to community pride, vision and a staple gun, this useful landmark has been restored. May the Tyvek ever flutter in the crisp morning breeze!


EvilElf said...

There was a great garbage house, i think, on Napa. It had a wall of garbage all along the property line. Contained within the wall was a solid block of the house, a travel trailer, riding lawn mowers. etc. I think the city cleaned it all up. The guy thought he was being a good neighbor by covering the outside of the wall with tarps. He should've considered using the tarps as advertising space. Or maybe he could've had the local daycare paint the tarps as a community project. But, no...

Is their a new wall of garbage someplace? Asif. Maybe we could get some submissions as nominations.

Thanks, EE

EvilElf said...

Sorry about the "their" vs. "there." Too much Nyquil last night.