Monday, January 28, 2008

Mister Yuke puts the word out! She's back!!

Cheryl-Anne Millsap that is...

A week or so after Mister Yuke released his epic Millsap Monday ballad, Cheryl-Anne's column went MIA. No explanation. No "she'll be back next week." Nothing. Then her column returned. And it was completely different. No stories about her kids. No advice for the masses derived from her personal ponderings. Her first column out of the chute was even somewhat ribald. She did seem to be still making up stories, but they were now about "friends" not family, not herself.

Weeks ago, as Mister Yuke was filling me in about this turn, he didn't seem the least bit concerned. I reminded him that if she kept up this tactic, his work would be invalidated. He just laughed. "She can't help herself. She'll be back." His confidence was somewhat unnerving.

He called up this morning. "Did you read it? I told you! Gawd, I wish I had bet you some money. Hah!"

And I picked up the paper and he was right. So here it is again. You can hear the song by clicking the title above. You can read her column by clicking here.

I hope this will satisfy the ukulele playing fool and shorten his gloating hangtime.


Cheryl-Anne said...

Hi guys. Thanks for the laughs.
A protest song about me? I'm flattered. Doug Clark will be so jealous...
FYI, If I hadn't already written next week's column I would do something about fireflies, kittens and trolls for sure.
Thanks again. You made my Millsap Monday.

Anonymous said...

Love it! FYI- your second picture is having trouble loading.