Tuesday, March 04, 2025

Today's Out and About. LGBT people, canaries in the coal mine...

Today on Out and About, No guest! Instead I'm going to be talking about all the latest Trump/Krasnov assaults on LGBT folks. Even if you don't know or care about LGBT people, it's becoming pretty obvious that everyone should be concerned about the assaults on them from these Russian operatives. This destructive force of evil isn't going to be satisfied destroying LGBT people, but will continue their traitorous bloodlust to destroy our nation (and you). Plus, I will be playing some fun music. Why? Because fighting fascists and standing up for Democracy and freedom should always be fun! 

Out and About airs every Tuesday at 4 pm on KYRS - 88.1 and 92.3 fm. You can also stream it from kyrs.org, where you can also find archives. Show notes and playlist at https://kyrs.org/show/out-and-about/  Thanks for listening! Maeve 

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