Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Amish Miracle Invention Photoshop Contest!

This is the highest resolution I could find of my favorite Sunday SR Parade Magazine ad photo - Amish mantle and miracle invention help home heat bills hit rock bottom. It is a great two-page spread, in that it has so much going for it. If you want to place an order, you are directed to one of three zones:

Everywhere in the USA, it's cold! If you want to see more pictures, a Google image search provides these. I suppose you could scan the Parade magazine ad if you were really interested in a bigger file for your contest submission.

I like the main photo of the ad, the picture featured at the top, with the Amish working on glowing electric fireplaces. However, if you want to use any of the pictures featured in this ad or on the interwebs, go for it.

We'll give it a week. If you win, you will get your name mentioned, along with a link to your blog or website if you want. Also, some kind of mediocre crappy prize too.

Send your entry/entries to me here:


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