Monday, January 18, 2016

These are the days of miracle and wonder

Been running an extended route to and from work these days. When leaving the station the other morning, I saw this on a bench by the front door. I confess, I've never noticed this bench before. What was the miracle story? The recipient must have been not of tall stature.

The time to run is fleeting. Do it while you can. Miracles are not guaranteed.

On another note, this bench is a cool idea.  On the run home I noticed how many benches there are downtown and in Riverfront Park. Some sit absurdly high. Some look pretty rickety. Others are in hidden spots like this beauty. Some have been removed to keep people from camping on them.


Lisa said...

That's what you gotta love about the outdoors - lots of surprises. Even in places you'd been running or biking in for already so long. And I agree, we should run while we can!

EvilElf said...

Any running outside is better than a treadmill, Lisa!